Well, last weekend turned out to be quite a hectic, for a very unusual reason. As followers of this blog probably know, I live with my fiance and our two cats, Bob and Ziggy (A.K.A. "The Boys"). We live in a terraced house with a totally enclosed garden.
Bob and Ziggy (remember them?)
We had been hearing noises from our new next door neighbours garden for some time, mainly dogs barking and whining. Although we didn't realise quite how many there were! As it turned out, there is one adult (that I've seen so far) plus a litter of NINE American Bulldog puppies, all waiting for new homes...

On Saturday morning, I had just got up and was feeding the boys, when I noticed that Bob was hissing through the cat flap. Intrigued, I went to have a look. I was amazed to see several puppies wandering around the garden! However, at the time I wasn't sure where they came from (so far I hadn't actually seen any of the dogs from next door, only heard them). Also, I couldn't quite work out how they got in! I was only just awake at the time, and had lots to do that day, so I decided to finish what I was doing, and then decide what to do about our visitors.

Once, I'd fed the boys and made a coffee (to help me come round), I took another look in the garden. No puppies to be seen anywhere! Where did they go? I kept checking periodically throughout the morning. Sometimes they were there, then they were gone. I was beginning to think I was seeing things, until I realised what they were doing. I noticed a small hole in the fence. They were squeezing through into the garden, taking a look, and going home!
I decided that as they weren't lost, or in any immediate danger, I would do my jobs for the day (see previous post - trolley rage), wait until my fiance got back from work, and then we could sort it out. I forgot entirely!
Sunday morning, I managed a short lie in, although my fiance got up at the usual time. When I came downstairs, I was greeted with "you won't believe the morning I've had"! It was only about 9.00am!
Shortly after he got up, he had seen the boys run up the stairs together, but thought nothing of it. Following this, he had heard noises in the kitchen, and gone to investigate. Four of the puppies had squeezed through the cat flap, and were exploring the kitchen! They had their noses into everything, including the remains of the previous night's cat food! While he worked out what he should do about the puppies, they continued to roam around downstairs. They found several cat toys to play with, and even started licking my man's toes! They were all very friendly and very confident.
Luckily at this point, there was a knock at the door. Our next door neighbour had realised what had happened. He apologised, and between them, the puppies were returned home over the fence. I assume this escape route has been fixed now, as they haven't invaded since!
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