While still searching for the ultimate money spinner, I discovered Squidoo and blogging. These are fairly new ideas for me.
I started Squidoo a few months ago, and whilst being a lot of fun to do, hasn't yet earned me my fortune. To date I have $0.92 in my account, this is at least something, although I'm not quite sure where it came from! The idea of Squidoo is to write articles (in Squidoo they are called lenses) about any subject you can think of. You can add pictures and video clips to spice it up, and you get paid if someone clicks on adverts on your lens or buys any products you may be selling.
You can check out my "lensography" by clicking on the link below:
There are also links on this to my other lenses.
I also discovered something called "linkpayer". If you are adding links on your lens, you can enter the link on this site and they convert it into a linkpayer link. Whenever someone clicks on this, you get paid by linkpayer (this may be where my $0.92 came from). I have been trying to find this site again recently, but now it doesn't seem to work!
Blogging, it seems is very similar to squidoo, although this is an ongoing project. It does require that the blogger updates the blog on a regular basis to be found by search engines. However, there appear to be many possibilities of making money this way, even though I haven't so far (I've only just started about a week ago). Like everything online, this seems to take time! Great fun though!
As said before, the main thing is to constantly update a blog. I found after a few days that I was struggling to think what to write about next, so I took a look at my lenses for inspiration. I realised that many of my lenses (18 in total so far) were connected with TV, film and celebrities. This gave me the idea for my second blog "Movie Mania", a collection of reviews and articles related to movies, TV programmes and actors/ actresses that I had an interest in. To be fair, the average reader may well not have heard of many (if any) of the films I've covered so far, but believe me, there are some great movies & TV shows I can highly recommend for the discerning movie buff! If you fancy taking a look, click on the link below:
Hope you enjoy the new blog!
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