Saturday, 25 July 2009

Meet my Moggies a.k.a. "The Boys"

(Left to right) Bob (the sleepy one) and Ziggy (the spooky one)!

Hi all

I thought I'd take the time today to introduce two of the most important members of the family - The Boys! You may think they look very similar, well there's a reason for that, they are in fact brothers from the same litter.

Firstly, here's Bob...

Bob has always come across as "big brother"! He's in charge. As a kitten he was in charge of the toys, and now that they're older, he's also in charge of the food! Bob is always the hungry one, so it's quite surprising that his brother gets a look in!

Bob is also the confident one. He has to know everything that's going on, and will stick his nose into everything!

And here's Ziggy...

Ziggy is generally far more timid than Bob, and is usually quite happy for him to take the lead. If there is a noise (such as a knock on the door), Ziggy runs and hides (just in case of danger)!

However, when all is quiet, and just the family are home, Ziggy creates his own noise! He has an incredibly loud meow, and will go on and on when he demands your attention! I call Ziggy "my furry alarm clock", as he will not let me lie in in the morning! In addition to his loud voice, the constant clawing of the bed will always force me to get up in the end!

These boys are now twelve years old, but they still act like kittens. Although they sleep more now than they used to, they still enjoy playing together. They chase each other all over the house (you really don't want to get in the way!) and play fight, virtually every day. They say that cats are quiet on their feet, but these two sound like a herd of elephants!

Anyway, tonight (Saturday) will be hectic - it's fish night, so the boys are getting excited! I'll try not to get trampled in the stampede!

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