Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Back to Reality!

Well it was back to the old routine yesterday, after a whole week's break from the office. It's amazing how quickly you get out of the habit! The early morning start I could certainly do without!
To begin with, I was late in to work. Not really my fault (Ithought). I only missed the bus because it was on time for a change!
When I arrived, I soon became buried under a mountain of paperwork. The other girls (bless them) had had a go at some of my stuff. However, they don't quite know what they're doing, so my first couple of hours was spent working out where they'd filed (and hidden) everything!
However, after a few hours of dedicated (although dull and seemingly endless) paperwork, I had things back under control.
Then I hit the next problem with my job. Once the backlog was cleared, there was no more to take it's place! It became a long, long afternoon!

This was only Monday. I've still got the rest of the week to go until the weekend. I need another holiday soon!

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