I started with a single card...

Whilst on the face of it, this seems like a very negative card to come up in a reading, it doesn't necessarily have a literal meaning. This purely means an ending of some sort. For example, the end of a job, which can provide an opening for something new to take it's place. When looked at like this, it becomes a card for change, the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. This makes it a much more positive card.
A card reading of any kind is very subjective. Whist there are some standard card spreads, and meanings for each card, the way to read and make sense of them is very personal.
One example of this, is to look beyond the book meaning, and see something deeper in the picture itself. This will allow you to find different meanings in the same card, depending on the situation the time you read them, and on any specific question in your mind at the time. Another is connected with the spread used (the way the cards are laid out). With this first reading, I decided beforehand to read the first card that came up, and only look at one card.
Another simple yet standard spread is to lay out three cards side by side, and use them to represent past, present and future. For my second reading, I used this spread, although I wanted the cards all to represent where I am now, so that (hopefully) I can gain an understanding of where I am heading. Whereas individually all the cards will have a separate meaning, when combined these can provide a more detailed answer to a question.
My three card reading for today was as follows...
The hanged man represents trials and sacrifice, along with divination and prophecy. This means that while I may be dealing with many issues at the moment and not at my most upbeat, I am in the right frame of mind for this reading. This is something I need to do now. Temperance however, shows a more positive attitude from those around me. I can moan, complain and offload my worries and have the reassurance of a sympathetic ear! Finally, the strength card shows that I will be able to recover from these troubled times, and that I have the inner strength I need. I will be able to emerge a stronger and wiser person for it. Everything happens for a reason, and there are lessons to be learnt, so that I can progress.
All of the information gained from the two readings I can relate to at the moment. I have been juggling with various issues and stressful situations for some time, and need to see an end to these. I have already seen evidence of support from those close to me, and it is very reassuring to see positive changes coming my way!