Whilst nosing around on the net, I decided to look for a site that could give me a free card reading. I had been pondering on the issues facing me at the moment, due to my sudden redundancy, and felt the need for some additional guidance.
My dilemma is this. I have been in constant work for the past decade, although for a long time now I have felt in a rut, and wanted to do something entirely different. However, I was unable to justify leaving a stable job to do this. Added to this, I had huge debts to sort out.
Suddenly I was out of work, plus I had some redundancy money to fall back on (for a time anyway). I could probably walk into a new job, similar to my previous one, which would provide a stable income. The problem is, do I want to go back to a job like this that I would most likely be bored in, but commit myself to it anyway, and keep the money?
I could also use this situation as an opportunity to try something new. The trouble is, what would I be good at and really enjoy doing? I have always wanted to work for myself, but can I be certain I would make enough money? I needed help to focus my mind on these questions, so I looked for a site that could help...

The very first site I found was amazing! It offered FREE Angel card readings instantly online (no sign up required), using four different card spreads. I tried them all, and found them relevant to my situation. The readings from the cards were consistant over all of the different spreads. They highlighted my situation, for example that I had been worried about my finances, and felt at a loss at the moment. I didn't know where to go next. This is all true. They also told me not to worry, as financial help was coming, along with guidance from a wise person that understands my situation. This made sense to me. I have a meeting coming up in a couple of weeks to speak to a specialist advisor about available courses I can take to re-train for a new career. The final message was that my redundancy was actually a good thing, and will open up new opportunties that I would otherwise never have had. This made me feel much more optimistic. I was so impressed that I added a link to the site (top right) for anyone who fancies giving this a try. Have a go!

While searching on the site, I discovered that they offered more than just this service. There's some great stuff on offer, which I may well buy into (when I can recover from my option anxiety!), all of which would be of really helpful in my quest for psychic development. Why not take a look for yourself? I'd love to hear your opinions on this site.
I've selected a few interesting items which I am tempted to try for myself. Have a look below...
A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards
These thirty colorful angel cards come in a beautiful boxed set with a
complete sixty-five page full color instruction booklet, which shows the
complete 12 Spans, (ways to lay out the cards for readings), healing
affirmations, full descriptions, Transformational Healing Exercise, and much
The cards were hand illustrated by Dyan Garris and originally made with
real crystals and other natural elements. Therefore, they have an "aliveness"
about them. When you first hold this deck in your hands you will feel the
Each card has a message in rhythmic quatrain verse from the angels who
are the "voice" in Voice of the Angels. On this delightful journey, meet your
guardian angels, leave your troubles in the peaceful clearing, return to the
light and more. The cards are based on A Healing Journey Guided Fantasy by Dyan
Garris. They are all scenes from that "journey." Uncannily accurate answers to
your questions. These cards will "speak" to you!
$23.99 USD on sale $14.99 USD
Money and Manifesting by Dyan Garris
You think positive thoughts. You apply the laws of attraction. You
visualize. You even clear pathways to abundance. And you manifest nothing. Now
you want to find out exactly what to do about it. You want wealth. You want
prosperity. You want transformation. Here you will discover the real secrets to
money and manifesting.
What you learn will change your life forever Not just
another manual about the laws of attraction and the power of positive thinking,
Ms. Garris teaches what stands in our way of manifesting, how to unblock the
energy flow of money, and how to actually transform energy to get what you
desire. Parts of the book are fictionalized.
There is a story here with
characters that anyone can relate to and see themselves reflected in. And,
fiction is processed with one part of the self, while information is processed
with another. When you bring the two together you have integration, which is a
first step in manifesting. When you finish reading the book,
you've automatically taken the first steps toward manifesting.
$14.99 USD
A Healing JourneyPackage
A Healing Journey Package

This package includes:
A Healing Journey - The Voice of the Angels CD
A Healing Journey - The Voice of the Angels Spiritual Cards
A Healing journey - The Meditation Journal
The Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards are all scenes from this "journey."
The Meditation Journal is the perfect companion to the cards, a tool
for journaling about your meditative journeys. In this way you take an
important step toward integrating mind, body, and spirit.
A Healing Journey – The Voice of the Angels CD is the first in the
series for Automatic Chakra Balance,™ relaxation, help in sleeping and
vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit. All for the
discounted price of just $34.99!