Saturday, 1 August 2009

The Perils of "Trolley Rage"...!

Welcome to the weekend. Two whole days off to recharge my batteries before the next working week. However, for me, this can be quite daunting, as this also involves the weekly shopping expedition. I suffer severely from trolley rage!

My main objective when shopping is to get in and out as quickly as possible, so that I can start to enjoy my free time. The trouble is, I find myself trying to put this off for as along as I possibly can - bad move! The later in the day I leave this, the worse it gets!
When I arrive at the supermarket, the first thing I find is that I seem to be the only one who has a clue where they're going! I develop tunnel vision, and aim directly to what I'm looking for (hoping that no bright spark has decided to move it since last week), and grab what I need. Everyone else seems to just amble about. There is always someone (or more commonly a whole family) preventing me from reaching the section I need to get to, just having a chat! I've even seen a couple blocking off the entire milk section, while they debate about which carton to buy! How difficult a decision can which type of milk be?

There also seem to be so many people who stop in the middle of the aisle while they figure out what they want to look for next. This always leaves just too little room for anyone to get past. Even worse is when one family bumps into another in the middle of the aisle, and just stop to gossip. Then there's two trolleys and two families taking up twice as much room! Why?
By this point I'm becoming desperate to get out. When I finally make it to the queue, I feel like my blood is boiling, and that there must be steam coming out of my ears by now! Then I find that the queue has become so long that I can't even see which checkout I'm queueing for! So I wait, and wait...

By the time I arrive home, I tend to discover that I've forgotten something really important, and/ or bought something I realised I didn't need!

Why do I put myself through this every week?

1 comment:

  1. same here like it makes me so angry that people arent considerate of people at te market. grab this, grab that, oooops, sorry i rammed my trolley into your foot accidentally on purpose! it drives me mad.
